Update Linux (Unify controller) error message

I’m running the Unify controller software on the Raspberry Pi. For some reason, I encountered an error message when updating my Linux operating system via the sudo apt-get update command: Here is how I solved this: Entering this command started to upgrade unify 6.0 to 6.1 on my Raspberry device. Update Linux (Unify controller) error Continue reading →


Restart HomeBridge via SSH

Restarting HomeBridge can be sometimes handy when in testing mode. Here is the command to restart HomeBridge (to be used via SSH for example on your Linux system): The command will give no output, but HB should now be restarted. Restart HomeBridge via SSH was last modified: August 18th, 2019 by Thomas


Guide: Update HomeBridge plugins

If you previously have been installing HomeBridge (let’s say, on a Raspberry Pi), you know it’s a neat little piece of software. Thanks to HB, many non-smart or non-HomeKit enabled devices can be controlled via your iPhone or iPad using the Home app. A community of developers has created HomeBridge – HomeKit support for the Continue reading →


Linux SSH update issue: Errno 12 and Errno 256 error message

Today I tried to update my Linux operating system via SSH using the command sudo yum update (sudo apt-get update may be working too, depending on the Linux distrubtion). Most updates worked fine, except for one, where I received this error: http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/centos/6/updates/x86_64/Packages/libssh2-1.4.2-3.el6_10.1.i686.rpm: [Errno 12] Timeout on http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/centos/6/updates/x86_64/Packages/libssh2-1.4.2-3.el6_10.1.i686.rpm: (28, ‘Operation too slow. Less than 1 bytes/sec Continue reading →


Disable the Red and Green Lights on a Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pi has two LED light indicators: Green (the ‘action light’): to indicate the system is busy/working Red (the ‘power light’)’: to indicate the system is not getting enough power To stop the lights from blinking, you can execute the following commands on your Raspberry Pi (via SSH for example): Disable the green LED: Continue reading →


Guide: Installing HomeBridge on a Raspberry Pi

HomeBridge is a great open source software package (available on GitHub) which allows you to control non-HomeKit certified hardware (e.g. power outlets, camera’s, thermostats, ..). HomeBridge can be installed on virtually any piece of hardware, but in this tutorial I will specifically focus on installing the software on a Raspberry Pi (and more concretely the Continue reading →


Upgrade to Ubuntu 15.10 via command line

Ubuntu recently announced and released a new version of their operating system, called Wily Werewolf. This is version 15.10 of this Linux distribution and is officially supported until 07-2016. To upgrade your Ubuntu installation to the newest Ubuntu 15.10 release, open terminal and execute the following command: Upgrading Ubuntu from the command line is really that Continue reading →


Howto: Updating Linux when DirectAdmin is installed

When you have DirectAdmin installed on your Linux operating system (e.g. Ubuntu, CentOS), you should not update your operating system without taking care of one thing first. DirectAdmin takes care of some packages itself, such as Apache or MySQL. So by updating these packages directly, you may cause some errors for DirectAdmin. To only update Continue reading →


Fix: php mail() slow to sent on Ubuntu

I recently installed sendmail to set up e-mail on my server. It’s as easy as intalling that package via apt-get: E-mail was installed correctly and working properly, because I tested it by creating a testmail.php file with these contents: Then, from the command line, I check if everything was working as I was expecting via Continue reading →


Speed up Ubuntu in VirtualBox

Ubuntu or other Linux distributions may be slow when you run it within VirtualBox. Often, the cause is that not enough RAM is assigned to the virtual machine, which makes it run slow and makes it unresponsive. However, if your VM already has plenty of RAM and you also already tried assigning an extra virtual Continue reading →


Find httpd.conf on Apache Linux webserver

The httpd.conf file is a configuration file used by the Apache webserver. It contains information about settings and functions by this webserver. The file can be located in various places; this depends on the version of Apache and/or the operating system used. It can be commonly found here: /etc/httpd/httpd.conf You can then edit this file with Continue reading →


Test your VPS server speed

A VPS can be bought for a cheap price these days and many hosting providers have various plans to choose from, ranging from a few hundred MB of RAM and a single core CPU, to virtual private servers with lots of RAM and speedy Gigabit connections. Mostly, a Linux server doesn’t need that much resources Continue reading →